Quality Lawn Care Services
Clean Cut Lawn Care, LLC has been creating great American lawns since 1985. We would like the opportunity to handle all of your lawn and landscape needs. Just think one call will take care of it all! It's easy to get your dream lawn started today, just click 'Read More' to see a complete list of services we proudly offer. If you would like a free no-obligation estimate contact us today!

Fertilizer & Weed Control Program
Be prepared for Spring. Take a look at our complete Fertilizer & Weed Control Program.
We offer 5 timely Applications,
Application #1 - Fertilizer and Pre-Emergent- March 20 - April 25
Application #2 - Fertilizer and Weed Control - April 25 - June 30
Application #3 - Summer Fertilizer - June 30 - July 30
Application #4 - Fertilizer and Weed Control - August 1 - October 1
Application #5 - Winterizer Fertilizer - October 1 - November 15
Contact us today for a quote!